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Will and estates questions in 2017

May 26 2017 , Written by Harriet Wyselaskie

Is a "living will" the same thing as a "Power of Attorney"? No. A Power of Attorney is a legal document in which you identify a special individual to act in your own behalf. What exactly does the term "mentally incapable" mean? Generally, if a person...

Real estate law questions online in 2017

May 26 2017 , Written by Harriet Wyselaskie

What exactly is Understanding of Sale and Purchase / Purchase contract This contact is an agreement that a seller as well as a buyer sign when going through a property sale transaction. It outlines the terms and conditions the buyer and seller promise...

Canadian family law questions in 2017

May 26 2017 , Written by Harriet Wyselaskie

Which are the principal steps in the divorce procedure? Usually the first step is a case conference where the parties meet with a judge to talk about steps and the issues that should be taken. A settlement conference, which settles or narrows the issues...

Business law questions and answers in 2017

May 26 2017 , Written by Harriet Wyselaskie

What's a franchise? A franchise is a small business arrangement that allows the business owner to allow the right to undertake a specific group of commercial activities to another person. It generally describes a business model kind where the owner contracts...